Everything DiSC® is a suite of transformational tools to help everyone within your organization better understand themselves and others. Participants walk away with immediately applicable solutions to build better relationships that lead to improved morale and productivity.

At the heart of Everything DiSC is the very simple and memorable DiSC model, which consists of four basic styles: D (Dominance), i (Influence), S (Steadiness), and C (Conscientiousness).

While every person is a blend of all four DiSC styles, usually one or two styles stand out and represent each person’s unique preferences, tendencies, and motivators. With DiSC, working more effectively with others is as simple as understanding others’ styles and flexing your approach to match their style. Key to working effectively with other styles is understanding your own style and how you may come across to others.

DiSC uses an assessment to profile your style and to illustrate — from your perspective — the preferences, likes, dislikes, and motivators of the styles of people you work with. Unlike simple personality tests, there is no perfect DiSC style. We believe that these differences are extremely valuable. Once you assess these differences and harness their value, you’ll have better workplace communication and a healthier organization.


Because Everything DiSC is a personality/social styles assessment tool, it identifies elements of your personality that make you YOU. DiSC identifies your motivators, your hot buttons, your triggers, and your preferences. Unlike skills/capabilities assessments (like Entelechy’s 180° and 360° Leadership Surveys) that focus on competencies and abilities, with DiSC, there is no better or worse personality/social style. The magic lies in understanding your own and others’ styles so you can work more effectively with them.

Everything DiSC is the original, most researched, and most transformational DiSC product on the market. (You'll always know it's the original DiSC by the signature lower-cased "i" in DiSC.)

As technology has evolved, DiSC has too. Today, online DiSC assessments use the most advanced assessment method (adaptive testing) and sophisticated algorithms to quickly analyze a person's responses and provide the most personalized DiSC feedback possible. And, it only takes about 15 minutes to complete.

Everything DiSC solutions are frequently used as stand-alone tools, but can also be paired with other well-known personality tests like Myers Briggs and Caliper.

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